Saturday, August 4, 2018

You Might Be A Crohnie...

If your "skinny jeans" hang like you can fit another another person in them with you might be a Crohnie 


Unknown said...

Hi , I am a 35 year old female and just yesterday I have been diagnosed with CD and im feeling so devastated , I have been crying since last 24 hrs I don’t know how to cope with this disease mentally , plz help me !

Vern Laine said...

I was also, to the point of suicide, especially knowing there was no cure. But I was diagnosed before there was the internet.
Luckily for you though, there are so so so many new treatments that will help you more than me. Nothing was available for me other than some meds and surgeries. Today there is so much information out there and doctors no more and they are close to finding what the hell is going on with our guts. The best advise is to make sure you talk to someone, dont bottle it up like I did. There lots of us out there to talk to, either through blogs, twitter, instagram, facebook and much more. I still get my down days even after 30 years of the disease.
You can always send me an email at

Maggie said...

Hi I am a 43 yr old female I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago already had surgery I found by taking humira and 1to 2 or sometimes 3 painkillers a day it keeps you normal ,bathroom trips are less your energy goes up and the pain is gone ,my only problem when I run out of pain killers I am so sick I can’t get out of bed .any suggestions of what else to take.

Vern Laine said...

Sorry to hear you still suffer pain even with Humira. What kind of pain killers? I generally take either Tylenol or Advil. Your best bet would be to check in with your doctor, there might be something going on inside or ask for something stronger. I still think you should check with your doctor as you still get that much pain.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I’m a 65 year old woman with Chrons. Diagnosed in 2006. I, too, was devastated, and as my weight dwindled I became profoundly depressed. I’ve tried every medication, meditation and therapy. I have finally learned how to live with Chrons, and it’s all about acceptance. On crappy days, (pun intended), I surf the internet, read, nap and no longer feel guilty about it!
I’m a student again studying Addiction Counseling and am really nervous about whether my body will allow me the 18 hours a week to complete the semester. However, I’ll never know unless I try! And if I cannot accomplish this then I’ll continue my studies for my own satisfaction. Acceptance is key to living a contented life.

Vern Laine said...

I totally agree. Some of us take longer for the acceptance, but we eventually get there I think and even then, there will be the up and down days. Good luck on school !!