Thursday, October 25, 2018

My Sit Down With Pamela Jessen

For the month of October, Pamela Jessen, a chronic illness blogger featured HERE is featuring interviews with a wide variety of people with chronic illnesses. It was a pleasure to be interviewed by here and to be included with such great people, including fellow Crohn's blogger Jenni from Jenni's Guts I am always honored and humbled to be included with the many people bringing awareness to their predicament
Thanks to Pamela for keeping awareness alive for all kinds of chronic illness sufferers.

Monday, October 15, 2018

You Might Be A Crohnie...


If you can actually spell G-A-S-T-R-O-E-N-T-E-R-O-L-O-G-I-S-T.....
you might be a Crohnie


Friday, October 5, 2018

Remicade : Day 2263

Bitter sweet infusion a week ago Wednesday. The infusion nurse that I've had since Day 1 told me that she is retiring and I'll have someone new at my next infusion.

My infusion nurse, Margaret, you have to understand, would call me hours before my scheduled appointment to see if I wanted to come in early so I can get home in time for my kids. My infusions are only an hour, but with weighing in, paperwork, prepping the "juice", etc. it was more like an hour and a half, so she would call when she got there and ask if I wanted to come early. I was always waiting at home doing nothing anyway, so I took her up on her offer every time.
She only worked the one day a week, my day, but she had been a nurse all her life and was time to do other things. Good for her.

She would use the same vein on my left hand, affectionately called "Margaret's vein". I'm thinking I'm not going to get the same kind of treatment, but you never know, I might get someone just as nice.