Sunday, May 15, 2016

Toilet Paper VS Bath Tissue : Part 2

I thought I would add to my toilet paper calculations....
If there are 425 sheets per roll, then over my 28 year battle with Crohn's...

-5110 rolls x 425 sheets = 2,171,750 sheets of toilet paper (77,562 per year)
-each sheet is 11.5cm x 10.1cm = 116.15 sq cm's (4.5in x 3.9in = 17.55 sq in's)
-2,171,750 total sheets x 116.15 sq cm's = 252,248,762.5 sq cm's (38,114,212.5 sq in's)

To give you an idea, that's about 54.5 million.... postage stamps!!
Thanks goodness toilet paper isn't as sticky!

Just some "fun facts"



Cj said...

Actually it isn't . . .

...till it's used . . .

Anonymous said...

You forgot to carry the 1. HA!! I cannot believe you actually did the math. I'm impressed. And slightly disturbed as I have probably used just as much TP as you have. Goodbye money. I knew I should have bought stock in the TP companies! Cheers! ~Jenni's Guts

Vern Laine said...

LOL!! I was bored.

Jennie Young said...

I always believed my mother had Chrones, or something like it. Is there such a thing? Anyway, she always thought if she had less than a case of toilet paper she was running out. I've never known anyone else quite so obsessed with running out of TP.

Vern Laine said...

LOL, thanks Jennie