Sunday, June 3, 2012

You're Not Gonna Believe It......

...but literally minutes, and I do mean minutes, after writing my last post, I started to get the shakes.  A little at first, but within a few seconds I was shaking like I was having a siezure!  I've had them in the past, but usually goes away after having some juice or something.  Not this time.  It got so bad so fast that I had my wife call the ambulance.  My jaw locked up, I couldnt speak properly and the pain from tensing was too much to handle.  But as soon as the fire dept arrived (before the ambulance) and gave me some oxygen to relax, the convulsions slowed.  The problem now was that I was burning up (40C) my heart rate was 122 and my blood pressure was 190/80.  So needless to say the ambulance still took me to hospital and spent the night.  I have to go back for the next few mornings for IV antibiotics, but the funniest thing is that all my blood work came back "normal" and nothing on xray.  I havent been able to eat because I throw it up, so just water mainly for now.....

lots of fun....

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