Saturday, October 5, 2024

"Well, That's Not Very Ladylike" A Memoir

 I recently finished a very heartfelt book (written by my good friend Jennifer Lock) about the struggles, the tears and triumphs with living with a chronic illness along with mental illness. It is very well written with a good sense of humor. 

I have known Jenni for many years and we have talked and supported each other through these years, even though we have never met, but even I never realized the struggle and pain she was having. One chapter had me almost in tears. This will give you and understanding what someone with a chronic illness goes through. Crohn's disease is so much more than a bowel disease and everyone who reads this book will get that understanding.

You will read about Crohn's disease, fibromyalgia, mental illness and suicidal tendencies and the struggle to deal with coming out of it all.

This book can be found online on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ImagineWePublishers, etc.

A must read for anyone with a chronic illness.

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