Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Love of a Son

My two boys know that I have Crohn's.  To be exact, they know that I have an "illness" that makes me NOT be able to eat what they eat or do things that they do and they know that there are times that daddy just needs to rest for awhile.  They also know that sometimes I have to go to hospital, but they don't understand "why"........which, when I think about it, neither do I.
Having said all that, one son actually "hurt" me by giving me a hug.  Yes a hug.  They are normally very careful around me, but he just squeezed too hard.  I doubled over in pain as it was quick and the sudden pain made me bend right over.
What hurt the most?  The look on my 7 year olds face.  I think he thought he killed me and looked scared. 
I felt awful.
Things like this can happen, and its not his fault, he just wanted to give  me a hug.

The point is, something as simple as a hug can put a Crohnie down for the count.

What a sucky disease!!



Unknown said...

I'm a blog virgin found you today. I have a 8 yr old I've made him aware that my belly is a no no be gentle I'd say to him so painful when he would try to crawl on me. He learned in time it hurt daddy as he grew he wanted to give me hugs as you said the pain as you tighten and cringe the sadness in his eyes and the words I'm sorry daddy. Hurt more then the pain. But I love him wanting to show his love I endure the pain of love he tries to be so gentle. He is my strength to endure all I go through.

Vern Laine said...

Well said, thanks