Monday, October 3, 2022

IBD Global Network

I had my first Zoom meeting with the IBD Global Patient and HCP Network today.  The first of many meetings over the next year with other patient advocates and health care professionals to discuss the relevance and need for clinical trials when it comes to IBD. More importantly, how to improve the clinical trial process from how to get patients to sign up to helping the healthcare professionals doing the trials with better resources, research, etc.

I have always been an advocate for the clinical trial process because without them, we may not have the amazing IBD drugs we have now.

I had the chance to be part of the Remicade trials in Canada more than 20 years ago but turned it down. I only wish I had agreed to take part back then. Remicade was amazing for me when I finally decided to go on it in 2012 until my body developed antibodies to it just 8 years later. I still think about those who were part of the clinical trials that ended up helping me with my Crohn's and I thank them for it.

There are many places to look for IBD clinical trials, here are a few:

Crohns and Colitis Canada


Crohns and Colitis Foundation (USA)

Crohns and Colitis UK

Clinical Trials (worldwide)

Sure, you might be in the placebo group but I think that IF there is a chance for a better life with a new medication, it's worth a try. I have tried to get into several clinical trials over the years but my main problem with not being accepted is that I have had bowel resections, too many for that matter, and do not qualify.

...but you might.


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