Friday, November 29, 2019

Remicade Divorce

Well, it's over.
8 good years have come to an end.
It's been a little rocky this past year, I'll have to admit, but the decision has been made.
We're done.

The final straw was my last visit to the hospital for surgery on another peri anal abscess, but my colonoscopy last October already showed the tell tale signs of my body becoming immune to the Remicade (Infliximab). My gastro told me that she saw "significant" ulceration even though my Remicade levels were pretty good.  I have noticed these past few months that I have not been 100%, tired all the time, no energy what's so ever.
So, what's next for me and my crohn's? Humira (Adalimumab).  I have never had to inject myself before, so it should be interesting.
All this comes at a time where I would have to come off Remicade anyway as the government is forcing everyone on Remicade to switch to a biosimilar, for no medical reason what so ever. It's all about money and not what the individual patient needs. No consultation with doctors or patients, just switching them.  The government set a deadline and the companies taking over the treatments are NOT prepared and are overwhelmed with the amount of patients.  This was not thought out very well.
In my case now, Humira, even though it is a biologic, does not fall under the governments "decree'.
I have to start all over again with tests, talking with Humira, Pharmacare, etc. I need to find out if I'm covered or if it's going to cost me. I've done everything else, now just waiting to hear about coverage, fingers crossed.
I do like the fact I don't need to go to a clinic anymore and I can have the Humira delivered to my house. I'm sure injecting myself will be something I need to get use to, but you have to do what you have to do to survive in this world.
My first injection should be end of December beginning of January.
Great way to bring in the new year.....

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