Friday, May 11, 2018

Crohn's Baby

Wednesday was like any other day. It's my regular day off, went to the gym, ran errands, cleaned around the house, ate dinner and took my son to taekwondo class. 
After dinner though, I started to feel tightness in my abdomen, not out of the ordinary but a little different than normal. It was bad enough that I had to lay down in the car while my son practiced. After getting home and getting ready for bed, the tightness was worse. I took a look in the mirror and there it was....... my Crohn's baby.
My abdomen was so distended and tight, I looked pregnant.  I tried my normal procedures like laying on my stomach in hopes to maybe relieving the pressure by passing gas....didnt work. I tried having bowels movements (as it felt like I had to go)....didnt work.  I was up and down, up and down, up and down from bed to bathroom for hours before I finally had to give in to what was happening to me.
I had a block.
On one of my trips to the bathroom I started throwing up while I sat on the toilet.  That continued throughout the night and into the morning until there was nothing left to throw up. Definitely a block in MY experience.  Not sure how....but there it is.
Now was the question, do I go to hospital? I need my intestines to rest and the best way is with an IV. I decided to stay home and not eat but just drink water and tea and stay in bed to rest. That seemed to work. Later that night, whatever was causing the block, released. I took over 24 hours, but it felt so much better after that.  I am still sore, but the pain is gone.
It's been years since I've had a Crohn's baby, I hope its years more before I have to experience it again.

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