Thursday, February 8, 2018

Colonoscopy Superstar

Next time I get either a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, I'm going to have my wife film the aftermath.
Why..?? Because I don't remember anything that either I said or did, or anything anyone said to me.
I always get sedation for any scopes and my gastro makes sure I don't feel a thing.  So much so, what I do or say could make me a YouTube star!
This morning my wife told me all about what happened and I had no idea. Starting with when I came to, she said she had to help me get dressed and cleaned up and when she went to clean off my leg, I put my hands on the wall, spread my legs and said "book em Danno!". Things like that I need to see!! I also was telling her how they didn't want to give me sedation....don't remember.  Also something about if she could avoid speed bumps....yep, don't remember.
The only thing I DO remember, was going into the room, talking with my Dr, they were discussing what meds to give me for sedation, I said "all of them", she gave me the meds, I said "goodnight, make sure I wake up"....... then I was home in bed.  I don't remember anything in between.
Groggy today, but I would LOVE to see video.  I get scopes once a year, so next year I'm going to make sure she gets it so I can become a Crohn's "superstar!!"  LOL


Unknown said...

I always ask the DR. Before the colonostomy When is he going to be taking me out on a date since hes become more intimate with my ass then I have or anyone else, at least I should be offered coffee but oh yeah I'm not allowed. I've learned humor makes all this more digestible.

Vern Laine said...

LOL !!