Well, I rang in the new year with gusto this time. I got some sort of virus or bacterial infection just before new years and ended up in hospital because I couldn't stop going to the bathroom. Every hour, sometimes twice an hour. So, of course, I ended up getting dehydrated. It took 10 in hospital to recover enough to come home. I'm fine now, but what's really weird is I can't stop eating!! I'm hungry all the time!! I've switched to brewed coffee (tastes better anyway), my daily bathroom visits have reduced (yay) and I have energy! Energy!?? I had almost forgot what that was, for gods sake. I don't know why.....maybe something in hospital after all the antibiotics they gave me or what....don't know. Whatever happened, it's working.
But, being who I am.......and how I look at things........I'm thinking, yeeeeeah, how long til I'm sick again? Hmmmm