Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Rectum Bar

No.....I'm serious.  In Vienna, there is a bar called the Rectum Bar and it's shaped like a rectum!! 
Don't believe me?

Careful what you order.....

Too, too funny!!  This would make a cool hang out for us Crohnies!


Cj said...

"...hang out..."???!!!
careful what words you use...! said...

Hi Vern,

Healthline has teamed up with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America to raise money to help find a cure for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

For every dollar donated, Healthline will donate a dollar. The fundraiser runs until July 1st. Finding a cure for Crohn's isn't just about donating, it is also about raising awareness. If you are unable to donate, you can show support by sharing the fundraiser on your site & social media channels.

Help us by sharing with your friends, family & network.

Warm Regards,